Monday, November 30, 2009
Fail, Oprah!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Modern Classics
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving Y'all

Happy fucking holidays.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Google me!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
And the Winner Is.... Adam Lambert for Everything!
Two More Down!
It's Almost Over!
I'm Starting to Fade...
Don't Be Fooled By The Loubs That She Got!
I Just Don't Get It
She's Got Legs... She Knows How To Use Them...
Don't Call It Come Back- OK, Call It That If You Want...
Just Plain Wrong
I guess it's been about 5 years since we got a random NYC tribute at an awards show...
Nap time at the AMAs
More AMA Magic!
and the 2009 AMA for oddest sweatpants goes to...
The 2009 AMAs
At the urging of my mother I am going to blog a lot and eventually become a millionaire. Tonight I am going to attempt to live blog the 2009 AMAs. Full disclosure, I used to work for the company that produces this fan voted monster of an awards show and I worked the show last year.
Epic Fail Casting Director!

There is nothing that ruins the telling of an otherwise perfectly good story other than poor casting. And no show fails more in this area than TLC’s I DIDN’T KNOW I WAS PREGNANT.
Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate the casting of much more attractive versions of the white trash fucks that don’t know they are pregnant for the reenactments . Especially when they cut the actual peoples narrations in right before to the actor reenactments and it’s so painfully obvious how much better looking they are… priceless. So good job Casting Director because no one wants to look at white trash fucks but epic fail on your casting of the babies!
Have you seen these babies! They are like six months old! Like I am really supposed to believe that she didn’t know she was pregnant with that twelve pounder? I mean, when Andrea Zuckerman was on 90210 we were willing to overlook the fact that she was a 45 years because she had a ten year story arc, but for a 15 minute TLC segment we need to play it age appropriate.
These babies do not look premature. They do not look like it’s a matter of life or death if they wrap them in a blanket immediately. They don’t even look that pissed off they are laying on filthy bathroom floors. They are all rosy cheeked and doe eyed. Maybe it isn’t the Casting Directors fault though…
Lay off the milk for a couple of days babies. Take some acting classes.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Really NEW MOON? Really?

I just emerged from the Cinerama Dome at the Arclight from quite possibly the worst movie ever made. As Seth and Amy would say… Wow. Really New Moon? Really?
Excuse my grammar, I’m worked up.
First of all, it’s just criminal to have a vampire movie without ANY sex. Everyone knows that vampires are sexy. I think there were about a million “almost” kisses in NEW MOON. So you’re expecting me to believe that we live in a world where teenagers are stupid and impulsive enough to go see a terrible movie ten times in one weekend but they are somehow smart enough to control all of their sexual urges? Fuck that, those vampires would be going at it.
My biggest problem with the film was the AMAZING SLOW pace of the dialog. NO ONE TALKS LIKE THAT! Especially not teenagers, regardless of the fact if they are 109 years old or werewolves. We seriously need Lorelei Gilmore to join the next installment of Twilight at pick up the fucking pace. It’s as if the director said, count to 4 in between each sentence. I imagine the script looks like this:
Int: Creepy old Growth Forest that no one seems to be afraid that is designated for epically important conversations because we all know you can’t have those in your living room or anything
Bella: Edward
Bella (internally) A thousand one, a thousand two, a thousand three, a thousand four
Bella I love you
Bella (internally) A thousand one, a thousand two, a thousand three, a thousand four
Bella Edward
Bella (internally) A thousand one, a thousand two, a thousand three, a thousand four
Bella I can’t live without you.
By the time this scene is over your popcorn is gone and you’re totally bored.
On to the werewolves! Who made the executive decision that werewolves wore a uniform of fucking JORTS and sneakers? That person needs to be banned from Hollywood immediately if not sooner. Would regular jeans be any less believable? Did anyone see where the jorts went when they shifted? Do werewolves buy jorts in bulk? Some of the worst oversights I have ever seen. Not excusable!
I also have a lot to say about having the heroine choose to be with a vampire that looks like a long lost member of the Libertines who just woke up from a three week heroin haze over the nice guy werewolf or, I dunno, maybe she could just date a human? What is this teaching the young teenagers of today? Go with the pale, skinny, drug addicted looking dude! Good decision!
Oh wow, and the ending! Really? Just because you’re a fucking vampire it doesn’t make it not white trash to get married when you’re a teenager. And get a fucking ring. I haven’t read the books but I am hoping that the whole marriage thing is away to make it OK for these teenage vampires to have lots of sex since they were written by a Mormon and all that needs to happen.
How do millions of people like this crap?