Lately it seems that reality shows are getting a little too close to home. I'm totally fine with shows like The Real Housewives or The Jersey Shore, as these shows make fun of people that I would already make fun of anyway. In the past few months though, I have heard about two different reality shows that I would be eligible to apply for, and I find this a little disconcerting. Does this mean that other people make fun of me? Crap. On the plus side, neither show will last very long, since they will both probably be the most boring shows ever made, assuming they could even get them made in the first place. (Again, not sure that this speaks well of me either. . .).
The first is a show called The Real L Word: Los Angeles. This show will follow six Los Angeles lesbians as they do normal lesbian things, like, you know, staying at home hanging out with their cats drinking chamomile tea and scissoring. I guess the show IS supposed to be on Showtime, so MAYBE they'll show the actual scissoring, but besides that, lesbians are pretty dull. I would also guess that whoever they find to be on the show will end up canceling at the last minute because they're "too tired," so it will probably never air. Bullet number one dodged.
Example two is The Real Hipsters of Silverlake. The craig's list casting call asks for "rich, wealthy, hipster GUYS and GIRLS 21-30 whose personal style is homeless chic." Now I certainly wouldn't call my personal style "homeless chic," (though I have been known to go a day or two without washing my hair), and I don't think I would consider myself "rich" nor "wealthy" (uh. . . are these different?), but these are my peeps damnit!! Let's be honest though, how many episodes can we really have of a bunch of dirty twenty-somethings drinking cheap beer and trying to out-band-name their friends ("Wait, have you heard so-and-so's new album? It's so rad. It blows (insert your favorite band's name here)'s last disc out of the water, man!"). This show is clearly being created for the sole purpose of making fun of rich people who try to look poor on purpose. Lucky for me (and my fellow Silverlakers), no self-respecting hipster would EVER call themselves a hipster, and thus would not audition for the show. Nice try haters!
If these shows ever do air, truth be told, I would watch both of them. And I would probably sleep with anyone on either.
I guess reality shows about your actual life ARE the new black. *sigh* Fuck.
Haha! Don't stop blogging. You're making my day