Thursday, October 14, 2010
Stay tuned for Target's version of this gem....

Saturday, October 2, 2010
Dear Straight World,

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Los Angeles in 2005 called, and it wants its rolling blackouts back

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
If I Don't Go Away, How Will You Miss Me?

Saturday, March 6, 2010
Liquor in the Front. . . Yard

Monday, February 22, 2010
That's (not-so) Brisk, Baby!

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Call Mr. Flintstone, I Can Make Your Bed Rock

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Here Kitty Kitty
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Most Exciting Day Ever
- A sexy vampire lives in my neighborhood (because who drives to another neighborhood to walk their dog unless there is a park or something)
- Said sexy vampire is neighborly (though I do not plan on inviting him into my house because we all know that’s terrible idea)
- Where the sexy vampire lives within about a quarter square mile (Shout out to google maps for making stalking easier!)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Panty Raid!
Ex Marks the G-spot…
Friday, February 5, 2010
Rehab is for Quitters

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Too Ugly To Blog
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Blah blah blah
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Do you date me?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Pussy and PBR

The Bait-And-Switch
Poor Career Choices
High Infidelity…
Recently I’ve been pondering the paradoxical nature of monogamy. Is it really possible to be with one person for the rest of your life? Who cares? That’s not what I’m talking about… (the answer is a resounding no, btw).
I’m talking about serial monogamy: the process of dating one person right after another right after another right after another... just writing about it is almost enough to drive me to creative suicide (like doing a pike-jump into oncoming traffic) I can't imagine actually doing it.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Will Work for Corporate Rock
- OMG it’s Radiohead! Everyone’s favorite band of all time! Frat dudes love them! Super judgemental hipsters that don’t normally listen to music that you have heard of love them! Your dad loves them!
- The Fonda is a smaller venue so it’s going to be “once in a lifetime experience” and what not
- That whole giving money to Haiti thing…
How to Hide Your Drinking Problem 101
This is the thing I don't get about brunch; why is it OK to have a bloody mary but not a rum and coke or perhaps a tumbler of Jack Daniels? What exactly is it about spicy V8 that makes it socially acceptable to drink vodka in the morning? Does anyone even drink that shit without vodka in it? The mimosa I kinda understand because it has a "lower alcohol content." But in those tiny champagne glasses? Bitch please! No one had just one mimosa.
Oh well, who the fuck cares? It's 2:00 p.m. and I've already had three alcoholic beverages today.
Brunch is the new black.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Hope for Hotness
Now, I have first loved Leo since "What's Eating Gilbert Grape," when he was totally robbed of an Oscar because he went "full retard," or maybe even before that when he was the hot homeless kid on "Growing Pains." Every girl in America wanted to be that fat chick floating next to him on a piece of wood in the icy ocean, the Juliet to his Romeo or join his murderous cult on "The Beach." But a terrible event has taken place, and Leonardo DiCaprio is no longer hot. Please refer to Exhibit A below from last night celebrity clusterfuck:
Leonardo DiCaprio is not the new black.
R U 2 kewl for skul or wat?
by guest blogger KC
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I stopped caring...
The Golden Globes are not the new black.
Pure Sex
Before you get really excited!
I'm such a bitch sometimes.
I don't know why when Mariah puts on ten pounds people freak the fuck out and call her fat and pregnant but this bitch who is like a walking billboard for diabetes is supposedly "adorable." I think maybe they just feel bad for her because of the whole rape/incest illiteracy thing, oh wait that was a fucking movie!
Fat is not the new black.
Rain and celebrities do not mix!
Oh, according to that guy on E! who uses caulk instead of hair gel, purple is the new black.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Lay off me already...
Taking a break from you blog is the new black. See all you bitches on Sunday for the Golden Globes live blog.
Monday, January 11, 2010
And how does giving me 10 more make you feel?
ex-girlfriend, I decided to treat myself to a little bit of therapy.
Not that I was slitting my wrists and crying all day or anything, but
I was kinda’ bummed, and figured there was some personal growth
waiting to happen in there somewhere. I wasn’t really interested in
going to some Kaiser group-therapy b.s., so I shelled out a pretty
penny to see a woman my friend had recommended to me. While this was
helpful, the majority of it was just me talking things through.
Now the other thing that I did for myself in the process of this
break-up was sign up for personal training at the gym (I wanted to be
really well adjusted AND really hot). What I discovered is that in
between reps is a great time to talk out your issues! Here’s a person
who 1) is paid to listen to you and b) doesn’t know all of your
friends. For $30 a half hour every week, I get to spill my guts and
get an outsider’s opinion, while simultaneously toning that same gut!
Genius! I recommended this to a friend, who said that they maybe
wanted to talk to someone with a little more insight into the world
than a personal trainer at LA Fitness. . . , but I stand by my claim.
Multi-tasking therapy is the new black.
Post by guest blogger KC.
For the love of NPH!
Enough is enough (is enough?)
A friend of mine is dating this guy who is basically any Hip Hop enthusiast’s wet dream: tall, dark, and bad ass (and from one of those countries that us prepsters only go to on grad trip or buy ethically made clothing or coffee from when we’re feeling guilty about over-consumption).
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Announcements! Announcements! Announcements!
Get excited bitches!
Friday, January 8, 2010
I wonder if this is a big problem in Peoria...
Thursday, January 7, 2010
A douche is a douche is a douche...
Shooting isn’t Just for South Central Anymore
Remember in college when you would go totally crazy over any guy (or
girl) in a band? If it had a guitar, it was totally fuckable. It
didn’t matter if they had any skill, or any actual gigs, or even any
original song. Show me a guy with kinda long hair and an accoustic
guitar, and I’ll show you a sorority herpes outbreak just waiting to
Now while a Vintage Fender certainly isn’t a turn off, there is a new
panty-dropping accessory in town – the camera. Why are cameras so
sexy? Well boys and girls, it’s a known fact that most people are a
little bit (or a lotta’ bit) vain, and want nothing more than somebody
who can make them really, really, ridiculously good looking. A good
photographer is like a good hairdresser, but more permanent, because
that shit will be on your facebook for years. YEARS!! Everybody
likes looking at pictures of themselves, but it is so much better to
sit and look at good pictures of yourself.
You may now be asking yourself, “I’d love to start a hobby that may
also find me a bedmate, but what type of camera should I buy?” Now,
you’ve got a couple of options here. If you’re frequenting bigger
parties where you can swing your way into looking like the official
event photographer, a giant expensive model with a huge lense and huge
flash is the way to go (bonus points if you are ACTUALLY the event
photographer). If this is your scene, bigger IS better. Try to
“accidentally” run into people with it, as the “Oops, I’m sorry, did I
hit you with my camera?” can act as a pretty good conversation
starter. If you’re into a more hipster scene (you silverlake and
williamsburg kids out there), you’ll probably get more “bang” for your
buck (get it?) going with something vintage like a Holga or a
Polaroid. And if you’re in a bind for cash, just grab that digital
camera that your mom got you for Hanukkah 2 years ago and hit the
bars, because. . .
Cameras are the new black.
Post by guest blogger KC